MCMC Fitting

While the LM fitter can give adequate fits to most light-curves, there are times when it would be useful to impose priors on the various parameters of the fit. Such cases might be:

  • The color_model is used on an object whose reddening is very low, thereby making the model insensitive to Rv_host.
  • The supernova has a very poorly sampled light-curve (maybe only one point) and you want to use a prior on the stretch and/or time of maximum.
  • You wish to combine the SN distance estimate with another, independent, estimate.
  • etc.

Doing the Fit

Begin fitting in the usual way using the fit() function (see Doing the Fit). This will provide a good starting point for the MCMC chains. Next, use fitMCMC() to start the MCMC simulation. The calling sequence is much the same as fit(), with some extra arguments to control the MCMC sampling and the ability to assign priors to the model parameters.


When calling fitMCMC(), you can assign priors to any of the model parameters by assigning them as arguments (similar to how one kept a parameter fixed using fit(). There are three ways to do so:

  1. Three built-in priors (Normal, Exponential, and Uniform) can be specified by strings. The string should begin with N, E, or U to specify Normal, Exponential, or Uniform respectively. Arguments for the prior then follow as a comma-separated list:
    • N,mu,sigma: Normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. Example: "N,0,0.5".
    • E,tau: Positive exponential with scale tau. Example: "E,0.7".
    • U,lower,upper: Uniform distribution between lower and upper. Example: "U,0,10".
  2. A floating-point scalar can be specified to keep the parameter fixed at the given value.
  3. A python function that takes a single argument (the value of the parameter) and returns the log-probability.

Some models also have built-in priors at work. At the moment, the color_model color_model has these kinds of priors, which are used on the reddening law Rv_host. There are currently three priors that can be used: uniform, mix, and bin. These correspond to a uniform, Gaussian mixture model, and Normal distribution binned by color. They are chosen by specifying the rvprior argument to fitMCMC().


First, we load in some data, choose the color_model and fit with not constraints:

In [1]: s = get_sn('SN2006ax.txt')
In [3]: s.choose_model('color_model', stype='st')

In [4]:

[Full Traceback excluded]

RuntimeError: Error:  Covariance Matrix is singular.  Either two or more
parameters are degenerate or the modelhas become insensitive to one or more

The fit failed because E(B-V) is small for this object, so the model is insensitive to R_V. We can proceed by fixing R_V:

In [5]:

In [6]: s.summary()
SN  SN2006ax
z = 0.017          ra=171.01442         dec=-12.29144
Data in the following bands: B,  g,  i,  H,  K,  J,  r,  u,  V,  Y,
Fit results (if any):
Observed B fit to restbad B
Observed g fit to restbad g
Observed i fit to restbad i
Observed H fit to restbad H
Observed K fit to restbad K
Observed J fit to restbad J
Observed r fit to restbad r
Observed u fit to restbad u
Observed V fit to restbad V
Observed Y fit to restbad Y
EBVhost = 0.033  +/-  0.002
Rv = 2.000  +/-  0.000
Bmax = 14.922  +/-  0.006
Tmax = 53827.078  +/-  0.029
st = 0.987  +/-  0.004

Keeping R_V fixed has allowed us to fit the rest of the parameters (note the small value for EBVhost. But if we want to be realistic and allow for some uncertainty in the value of R_V, we can use the fitMCMC() method:

In [6]: s.fitMCMC(bands=['u','B','V','g','r','i','Y','J','H'], R_V="N,2.3,0.9")

In [7]: s.summary()
SN  SN2006ax
z = 0.017          ra=171.01442         dec=-12.29144
Data in the following bands: B,  g,  i,  H,  K,  J,  r,  u,  V,  Y,
Fit results (if any):
Observed B fit to restbad B
Observed g fit to restbad g
Observed i fit to restbad i
Observed H fit to restbad H
Observed K fit to restbad K
Observed J fit to restbad J
Observed r fit to restbad r
Observed u fit to restbad u
Observed V fit to restbad V
Observed Y fit to restbad Y
EBVhost = 0.017  +/-  0.009
Rv = 2.207  +/-  1.051
Bmax = 14.963  +/-  0.033
Tmax = 53827.078  +/-  0.018
st = 0.986  +/-  0.003

As you can see, allowing R_V has increased the uncertainty in Bmax, as one would epect.