Fitting with Levenberg-Marquardt

This is the faster way to fit light-curves in SNooPy. It uses the non-linear least-squares [Levenberg-Marquardt] algorithm (LMA). It minimizes the variance-weighted residuals of the data from the model. Specifically, SNooPy uses the scipy.optimze.leastsq function under the hood.

Doing the Fit

The fit() function is a member of the sn class. The first argument is a list of observed filters to fit (or by default, fit them all). Following this argument, you can specify values for any of the parameters, which will keep them fixed during the iteration: Tmax, dm15, st, EBVhost, DM, and any of the fmax. By default, the fitter will try to fit the observed filter set with the same rest-band filters. It is therefore important that your filter names match the filters provided by the templates: Bs,Vs,Rs,Is (for [Prieto+2006] templates) or u,B,V,g,r,i,Y,J,H (for CSP templates). If your observed filter does not match any of these (either because you are working at high-z and want to do a cross-band K-correction, or are working in a different photometric system), you need to specify the restbands for each observed filter (restbands is a member variable that acts like a python dictionary and maps observed filters to rest filters). Here is a short example:

In [1] s = get_sn('04D1oh')
In [2] s.restbands['g_m'] = 'B'   ;#  Fit observed g_m data with 'B' (CSP)template
In [3]['g_m'], EBVhost=0, dm15=1.1)
In [4]['g_m'], EBVhost=0)
In [5] s.restbands['r_m'] = 'V';  s.restbands['i_m'] = 'r';  s.restbands['Jc'] = 'i'
In [6]['g_m','r_m','i_m','Jc'], dm15=s.dm15, Tmax=s.Tmax)
In [7]['g_m','r_m','i_m','Jc'])
In [8], "my_lovely_fit.snpy")

On line 1, we make a new instance. On line 3, we decide to fit the megacam g filter with a rest-frame CSP B template. On line 3, we fit only the g_m filter and therefore restrict EBVhost to 0 (since we don’t have any color information). We can also fix \Delta m_{15} for a first attempt at a fit (this can help if you have pretty low S/N data). On line 4, we let \Delta m_{15} go free. On line 5, we specify more rest-band filters. On line 6 we add more filters to the fit and allow the host extinction to vary, though keeping \Delta m_{15} and t_{max} fixed at the values determined from the previous fit (all fitted parameters and their errors are saved as member data of the sn instance). On line 7, we allow all parameters to vary. On line 8, we save the fit to a file that can be later loaded into SNooPy (using something like s=load(filename)).

Unless you specify otherwise, all the fitting is done in flux units (SNooPy takes care of converting magnitudes to fluxes, if needed, for both the observations and models). Note that because the LMA is an non-linear least-squares solving routine, it is not guaranteed to find the global minimum \chi^{2}. It is your responsibility to inspect the fit to make sure it got it right.

Getting the Results

After the fit has run, the best-fit value of each parameter can be retrieved as member variables of the sn class. The uncertainty in the parameter have the same name, but with e_ prepended. You can also run the sn.summary() function to print out a summary of the fit. The full covariance matrix is also available as a dictionary. To get \sigma(var1,var2), simply refer to sn.model.C['var1']['var2'].

The Meaning of the Uncertainties

The errors reported by the fitting are simply statistical errors. They are determined in the usual least-squares way of inverting the Hesssian of the model at the location of the best-fit. The errors therefore reflect how constrained the parameters are by the data.

It is important to keep in mind that the entire light-curve is used to constrain the parameters. So for example, the time of B-band maximum, Tmax may have a very small uncertainty compared to what you get by fitting a polynomial to the observed data near maximum. The same holds true for the fit value of \Delta m_{15} versus a direct measurement from a spline of the observed B-band data.

Each model has a function systematics that you can call once the fit is complete. This will report additional systmatic errors that may be in the model. For example:

In[1]: s.choose_model('EBV_model')


In[3]: s.model.systmatics()

Out[6]: {'DM': 0.2276, 'EBVhost': 0.06, 'Tmax': None, 'dm15': None}

The systmatics in the distance modulus include the intrinsic dispersion of the Phillips relation and the uncertainty in the calibration parameters from [Folatelli+2010].


To load a SN and fit all filters with the default EBV_model:

In[1]: s = get_sn('somefile.txt')

To change to the color_model and fit using the color-stretch as a light-curve parameter, holding Rv fixed:

In[3]: s.choose_model('color_model', stype='st')

Fit all filters with max_model, using the color-stretch. Then, fit each filter independently, keeping the color-stretch and k-corrections from the previous fit. Store results in a dictionary:

In[5]: s.choose_model('max_model', stype='st')
In[7]: maxs = {}; e_maxs = {}; Tmaxs = {}
In[8]: for filt in
  ...:[filt],, kcorr=False, reset_kcorrs=False)
  ...:    Tmaxs[filt], maxs[filt], e_maxs[filt],f = s.get_max(filt, deredden=True)
[Prieto+2006]Prieto et al., ApJ, 647, 501 (2006)
[Folatelli+2010]Folatelli et al., AJ, 139, 120 (2010).