Author Archives: Chris

AASTeX, BibTeX, and Journal style

I’ve now got a winning strategy for citations:  BibDesk, AASTeX, and a python script to clean it all up. Keeping track of citations is a pain, but there are lots of great tools out there for keeping them all straight … Continue reading

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Astronomy Lecture Series

Something I’ve worked hard on is the Carnegie Astronomy Lecture Series.  This is a very popular series of talks given primarily by Carnegie Astronomers on all sorts of astronomical topics.  They are usually given at the Huntington Library and Botanical … Continue reading

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Beautiful Math

Installed a WordPress plugin called jetpack because it’s supposed to allow you to embed latex formulas in your posts/pages.  This alone could bring me over for good from plone.  So…  let’s give a try by writing out the bend equation … Continue reading

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Pyflot anyone?

So this flot thing is pretty cool.  But I hate working in JS and most of my web tinkering is using Django, which is python-based.  So I wrote a quick and dirty module for generating flot output based on a … Continue reading

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Python and Latex Tables

Finally got around to writing a python LaTeX table-generator.  Takes lists and numpy arrays and puts them in columnar form.  Outputs the deluxetable environment LaTeX which can then be imported into any aastex document. Here’s how it works: import Table … Continue reading

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So Long Mobile Me

Well, it was a nice run while we had it, but Apple’s done away with MobileMe (which was once known as .mac).  So long gallery.  So long iWeb.  So long…  MY WEBISTE!!!  Yikes! So here we go with WordPress.  So … Continue reading

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