;+ ; NAME: ; destat ; PURPOSE: (one line only) ; to gather pertinent DES statistics and put them into an html file ; DESCRIPTION: ; DEStat reads the .obj files for an oberving night and creates an ; html file with three tables. The first table contains all the ; objects that were eventually marked "yes" in the .obj files. The ; second table contains all the objects marked "no", and the third ; contains all of the objects known to be salted objects. The rows ; of a table contain a team member's initials, and the columns ; contain information as to where their initials were located in the ; .obj string. This indicates whether a person discovered the ; object, confirmed an object discovered by the auto run, etc. The ; total number of objects are in parentheses, with the number of KBOs ; in front of them. A fourth table contains the names of the ; "lookers" for this night, with corresponding initials. It also ; contains the number of fields where their initials appeared. The ; bottom of the file is dated. ; CATEGORY: ; Miscellaneous ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; destat,root ; INPUTS: ; root :String- Six digit date: 'yymmdd'. ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; REDUCED :String- The path to the reduced files. This should not ; include the root. Default='/net/frakir/raid/reduced/' ; OUTDIR :String- The path for the html file. (Default = '') ; HTMLNAME :String- The name of the html file. Default = root+'.html' ; QUIET :Flag- Set for no printed output to screen. ; OUTPUTS: ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 04/07/27,Written by Maureen Teyssier, REU at Lowell Obs. ; 2004/08/24, MWB, incorporated into library. ; 2004/08/31, MWB, added code to handle "crud" objects ; 2004/11/19, MWB, added code to cross reference against newobj database ; 2005/1/20, MWB, fix error in final table generation ;- pro destat,root,REDUCED=reduced,OUTDIR=outdir,HTMLNAME=htmlname,quiet=quiet self='DESTAT: ' if badpar(root,7,0,CALLER=self+'(root)') then return if badpar(reduced,[0,7],0,CALLER=self+'(REDUCED)', $ def='/net/frakir/raid/reduced/') then return if badpar(htmlname,[0,7],0,CALLER=self+'(htmlname)', $ def=root+'.html') then return if badpar(outdir,[0,7],0,CALLER=self+'(OUTDIR)', def='') then return if badpar(quiet,[0,1,2,3],0,CAller=self+'(quiet)',def=0) then return rd=strmid(root,4,2) reduced=addslash(reduced) reddir=addslash(reduced+root) outdir=addslash(outdir) ;look for obj files fnobj=file_search(reddir+'*.obj',count=nfiles) if nfiles eq 0 then begin if not quiet then print,'This night does not contain data.' return endif if not quiet then print,strn(nfiles),' obj files were found' ;insert safety check for obj files if nfiles/8*8 ne nfiles then begin print,root,': ERROR: There are .obj files missing.' return endif ;open the database connection openmysql,dblun,'des' ;get the "interesting" list from the vclass database. yr=fix(strmid(root,0,2)) if yr gt 90 then yr += 1900 else yr += 2000 rundate=strn(yr)+'-'+strmid(root,2,2)+'-'+strmid(root,4,2) cmd=['select vclass.lookerid,objectid from vclass where vclass.des=1 and', $ 'rundate='+quote(rundate)+' order by lookerid;'] cmd=['select vclass.lookerid,objectid', $ 'from vclass', $ 'left join xref on', $ 'vclass.lookerid=xref.lookerid and', $ 'vclass.rundate=xref.rundate', $ 'where vclass.des=1 and vclass.rundate='+quote(rundate), $ 'order by vclass.lookerid;'] if not quiet then print,cmd mysqlquery,dblun,cmd,desobj,objectid,format='a,a' if not quiet then print,'Interesting objects:',desobj desidstr=strarr(n_elements(desobj)) ;gather initials and names from the database cmd='select initials,name from looker;' if not quiet then print,cmd mysqlquery,dblun,cmd,dbinitials,dbnames,format='a,a' if not quiet then print,'Initials in database ',dbinitials ;gather initials from the looker id files if not exists(reddir+'looker.ids') then begin print,self,'Error! Cannot find ',reddir+'looker.ids' return endif rdmatch,reddir+'looker.ids',initials,names if not quiet then print,'Initials in looker.ids file ',initials ;gather initials from .obj files objinitials='auto' for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin rdoblist,fnobj[i],nobj,filelist,dt,offset,pos,flags,idstr for j=0,nobj-1 do begin words=strsplit(idstr[j],',',/extract) objinitials = [objinitials,words] endfor objinitials = objinitials[uniq(objinitials,sort(objinitials))] endfor if not quiet then print,'Initials in obj files ',objinitials nlookers = n_elements(objinitials) objnames=strarr(nlookers) ; scan the list of initials from the obj files against the initials ; found in the looker.ids file and against the database. ; Make sure to ignore 'auto' and 'salt'. foundit = bytarr(nlookers) for i=0,nlookers-1 do begin if objinitials[i] eq 'salt' then begin foundit[i] = 3 objnames[i] = 'salt' continue endif if objinitials[i] eq 'auto' then begin foundit[i] = 3 objnames[i] = 'auto' continue endif if objinitials[i] eq 'crud' then begin foundit[i] = 3 objnames[i] = 'crud' continue endif ; is it in looker.ids file? z=where(objinitials[i] eq initials,count) if count ne 0 then begin foundit[i] = 1 objnames[i] = names[z[0]] endif ; is it in the database? z=where(objinitials[i] eq dbinitials,count) if count ne 0 then begin foundit[i] += 2 objnames[i] = dbnames[z[0]] endif endfor ; If any are found in the database and not in the looker.ids file ; add them to the existing looker.ids file. z=where(foundit eq 2,count) if count ne 0 then begin initials = [initials,objinitials[z]] names = [names,objnames[z]] if not quiet then print,'Adding to looker.ids: ',objinitials[z] wrmatch,initials,names,reddir+'looker.ids' foundit[z] = 3 endif ; Are any of the entries in looker.ids not in the database? If so, ; squawk about it. This should not be suppressed by the quiet flag. z=where(foundit eq 1,count) if count ne 0 then begin print,'WARNING! There are ',strn(count),' initials found in the obj' print,root,' files and looker.ids file that are not in the database' print,' ',objinitials[z] endif ; Are there any entries missing in both the looker.ids file and the database? ; If so, squawk, again, don't honor the quiet flag for this stuff z=where(foundit eq 0,count) if count ne 0 then begin print,'WARNING! There are ',strn(count),' initials found in the obj' print,root,' files that are not in the database' print,' ',objinitials[z] endif ; sort the list by initials idx = sort(objinitials) objinitials = objinitials[idx] objnames = objnames[idx] ; init arrays for information table uf = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; you first af = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; auto first au = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; auto, then you um = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; you in the middle ums = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; you in the middle, salt tag ul = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; you last uls = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; you last, salt tag kuf = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, you first kaf = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, auto first kau = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, auto, then you kum = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, you in the middle kums = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, you in the middle, salt tag kul = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, you last kuls = lonarr(3,nlookers) ;; KBO, you last, salt tag nlk = lonarr(nlookers) ; number of CCDs you "touched" table=['Objects marked "yes"','Objects marked "no"','Salted objects'] checked=['confirmed','checked','confirmed'] flagit=['y','n','s'] iy = 0 in = 1 is = 2 ; now loop over all obj files and extract desired information for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin ; read the object list. rdoblist,fnobj[i],nobj,filelist,dt,offset,pos,flags,idstr fl=strsplit(filelist[0],'.',/extract) ob=strsplit(fnobj[i],'/',/extract) tob=strsplit(ob[n_elements(ob)-1],'.',/extract) fd=strsplit(tob[0],'x',/extract) ; get a unique list of looker initials from this obj file tmpi = 'auto' for j=0,nobj-1 do begin words=strsplit(idstr[j],',',/extract) tmpi = [tmpi,words] endfor tmpi = tmpi[uniq(tmpi,sort(tmpi))] ; increment nlk array for lookers present in tmpi for j=0,n_elements(tmpi)-1 do begin z=where(tmpi[j] eq objinitials) nlk[z[0]]++ endfor ; now increment the various scores for each obj in the obj file for j=0,nobj-1 do begin sepid=strsplit(idstr[j],',',/extract,count=nsepid) ; this will be the first index into the tally arrays if flags[j] eq '?' then begin print,'FATAL ERROR! ',root,' contains an obj file with a ?' return endif zf = where(flags[j] eq flagit) zf = zf[0] ; build the object name name = rd+fl[1]+fd[1]+strb36(j,pad=2) ;see if the name is on the "interesting" list ; if so, set the kbo flag to 'true' z=where(name eq desobj,desct) if desct eq 1 then begin kbo=1 desidstr[z[0]] = idstr[j] endif else begin kbo=0 endelse ; does this object have a salt tag in the id list? z=where(sepid eq 'salt',saltct) if saltct gt 0 then salt=1 else salt=0 for k=0,nsepid-1 do begin zi = where(sepid[k] eq objinitials) zi = zi[0] if k eq 0 then begin uf[zf,zi]++ if kbo then kuf[zf,zi]++ if sepid[k] eq 'auto' then af[zf,zi]++ if kbo and sepid[k] eq 'auto' then kaf[zf,zi]++ endif else if k eq nsepid-1 then begin ul[zf,zi]++ if kbo then kul[zf,zi]++ if k eq 1 and sepid[0] eq 'auto' then au[zf,zi]++ if salt then ums[zf,zi]++ if kbo and k eq 1 and sepid[0] eq 'auto' then kau[zf,zi]++ if kbo and salt then kums[zf,zi]++ endif else begin um[zf,zi]++ if kbo then kum[zf,zi]++ if salt then uls[zf,zi]++ if kbo and salt then kuls[zf,zi]++ endelse endfor endfor endfor ;writing the html file openw,lun,outdir+htmlname,/get_lun printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'Statistics for the night of ',root,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'
' printf,lun,'

DES: Looker Statistics for the night of ',root,'

' printf,lun,'
' printf,lun,'
' printf,lun,'The nights results are organized into three tables,' printf,lun,' corresponding to a final flag of "y," "n," or "s"' printf,lun,' (yes, no or salt) in the .obj file.' printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'The counts in the columns marked as' printf,lun,' partial salted cases are the result of salted objects' printf,lun,' interfering with the detection of objects that would' printf,lun,' otherwise be counted yes or no. For example, if a marked' printf,lun,' red-blue pair was half real object, and half salt, it' printf,lun,' would result in a' printf,lun,' count in the partial salt column in a "yes" table.' printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'The total number of objects are in parenthesis; the' printf,lun,' number of KBOs are in front.' printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'

' ;construct three tables: y,n,s for itable=0,n_elements(table)-1 do begin printf,lun,'


' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ';yes printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' ;don't make this column for the salted table if itable ne 2 then $ printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' ;don't make this column for the salted table if itable ne 2 then $ printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' for i=0,nlookers-1 do begin if objinitials[i] eq 'salt' then continue printf,lun,' ' if flagit[itable] eq 'y' then begin ;build the rows of the 'y' table printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' endif else begin if flagit[itable] eq 'n' then ik=in else ik=is ;build the rows of the other tables printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' ;don't make this column for the salted table if flagit[itable] ne 's' then $ printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' ;don't make this column for the salted table if flagit[itable] ne 's' then $ printf,lun,'' endelse printf,lun,'' endfor printf,lun,'
Initials of the "looker"object you foundobject auto found"auto object" you ',checked[itable],'object you ',checked[itable],'auto object you ',checked[itable], $ '- partial salted caseyou were the last to check this object you were the last to check this object-', $ ' partial salted case
',objinitials[i],'',kuf[iy,i],' (',strn(uf[iy,i]),')','',kaf[iy,i],' (',strn(af[iy,i]),')','',kau[iy,i],' (',strn(au[iy,i]),')','',kum[iy,i],' (',strn(um[iy,i]),')','',kums[iy,i],' (',strn(ums[iy,i]),')','',kul[iy,i],' (',strn(ul[iy,i]),')','',kuls[iy,i],' (',strn(uls[iy,i]),')','',objinitials[i],'',uf[ik,i],'',af[ik,i],'',au[ik,i],'',um[ik,i],'',ums[ik,i],'',ul[ik,i],'',uls[ik,i],'
' printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'

' endfor;table printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'

Looker team for this night

' ;make a table with initials, name and # of fields printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,'' for i=0,nlookers-1 do begin if objinitials[i] eq 'salt' then continue if objinitials[i] eq 'auto' then continue if objinitials[i] eq 'crud' then continue printf,lun,'' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,'' endfor printf,lun,'
Initials of the "looker"Name of the "looker"Number of images marked
' printf,lun,'

' printf,lun,'

List of interesting objects discovered on this night

' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,' ' printf,lun,'' for i=0,n_elements(desobj)-1 do begin printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' if objectid[i] eq 'NULL' then begin printf,lun,' ' endif else begin cmd='select desig,number,name from newobj where localid=' + $ quote(objectid[i])+';' mysqlquery,dblun,cmd,desig,number,finalname,format='a,a,a' if number[0] ne '' and number[0] ne 'NULL' and $ finalname[0] ne '' and finalname[0] ne 'NULL' then begin printf,lun,'' endif else if number[0] ne '' and number[0] ne 'NULL' then begin printf,lun,'' endif else if desig[0] ne '' and desig[0] ne 'NULL' then begin printf,lun,'' endif else begin printf,lun,'' endelse endelse printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' endfor printf,lun,'
Looker IDObject IDRecord of lookers
',desobj[i],'  (',number[0],') ',finalname[0],' (',number[0],') ',desig[0],'',desig[0],'',objectid[i],'',desidstr[i],'
' printf,lun,'

' ;put the date and the time on the bottom jdate=systime(/julian) jdstr,jdate,0,date printf,lun,'This file was generated on ',date,'.' printf,lun,'' printf,lun,'' free_lun,lun,dblun end