Publications by Christoph C. Birk
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- A precision cryogenic positioning
stage for detector dithering and flexure compensation
Stephen A. Smee, Stephen C. Hope, Randolph P. Hammond, Albert C. Harding,
Tyson Hare, Aidan C. Gray, Katherine G. Smee, Leon Aslan, Robert H. Barkhouser,
Andrea Bianco, Christoph Birk, Maren Cosens, Michele Frangiamore,
Daniel D. Kelson, Gerrad Killian, Nicholas P. Konidaris II, Alicia Lanz,
Jacob McCloskey, Andrew B. Newman, Solange Ramirez, Gwen C. Rudie,
Andrea Vanella, Jason E. Williams
Proc. SPIE, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes
and Instrumentation VI:
13100, 2024/6
- Design, testing and contruction of Henrietta:
a new exoatmosphere spectrograph for Las Campanas Observatory
Jason E. Williams, Nicholas P. Konidaris, Gerrad Killion,
Julia E. Brady, Christoph Birk, Tyson S. Hare, Daniel D. Kelson,
Dave E. Rumph, Gwen C. Rudie, Andrew B. Newman, Johanna K. Teske
Proc. SPIE, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X,
13096, 2024/6
- A Novel Freeform Slicer IFU for the Magellan
InfraRed Multi-ObjectSpectrograph (MIRMOS)
Maren Cosens, Nicholas P. Konidaris II, Gwen C. Rudie, Andrew B. Newman,
Gerrad Killion, Leon Aslan , Robert Barkhouser, Andrea Bianco, Christoph Birk,
Julia Brady, Michele Frangiamore, Tyson Hare, Stephen C. Hope, Daniel D. Kelson,
Alicia Lanz, Solange Ramirez, Stephen A. Smee, Andrea Vanella, Jason E. Williams
Proc. SPIE, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X,
13096-321, 2024/6
- IFUM: Integral field units for Magellan
Mario Mateo, John Bailey, Yingyi Song, Jeffrey Crane, Charlie Hull,
Stephen Shectman, Christoph Birk
Proc SPIE, 12184, 2022/8
- Henrietta: a low-resolution,
high-precision exoatmosphere spectrograph for Las Campanas Observatory
Jason E. Williams, Nicholas P. Konidaris II, Tyson S. Hare,
Julia Brady, Christoph Birk, Johanna K. Teske, Daniel D. Kelson,
Gwen C. Rudie, Andrew B. Newman
Proc SPIE, 12184, 2022/8
- Conceptual design of the Giant
Magellan Telescope Commissioning Camera
Jeffrey D. Crane, Alan Uomoto, Philippe Amram, Sergio R. Augusto, Christoph Birk,
Antonio Braulio Neto, Daniel M. Faes, Tyson Hare, Patricio Jones, i
Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, Stephen A. Shectman, Macro A.F. de Souza
Proc. SPIE, 11447, 2020/12
- The IMACS Occultation Survey: I. Pilot Study
Payne, M. J.; Holman, M. J.; Alcock, C.; Schlichting, H.; Osip, D.; Bianco, F.; McLeod, B.;
Murray-Clay, R.; Nulsen, P.; Protopapas, P.; Thompson, I.; Burley, G.; Birk, C.
2014AGUFM.P51D3975P 2014/12
- The IMACS Occultation Survey: I. Pilot Study
Holman, Matthew J.; Payne, Matthew J.; Alcock, Charles; Schlichting, Hilke; Osip, David; Bianco,
Federica; McLeod, Brian; Murray-Clay, Ruth; Nulsen, Paul; Protopapas, Pavlos; Thompson, Ian; Burley, Greg; Birk, Christoph
2014DPS....4642101H 2014/11
- FourStar:
The Near-Infrared Imager for the 6.5-m Baade Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory
S. E. Persson, D. C. Murphy, S. Smee, C. Birk, A. J. Monson,
A. Uomoto, E. Koch, S. Shectman, R. Barkhouser, J. Orndorff,
R. Hammond, A. Harding, G. Scharfstein, D. Kelson, J. Marshall,
P. J. McCarthy
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP),
Volume 125, Issue 928, pp.654-682, 06/2013
- Demographics of the Galaxies Hosting Short-duration Gamma-Ray Bursts
W. Fong, E. Berger, R. Chornock, R. Margutti, A. J. Levan, N. R. Tanvir,
R. L. Tunnicliffe, I. Czekala, D. B. Fox, D. A. Perley, S. B. Cenko,
B. A. Zauderer, T. Laskar, S. E. Persson, A. J. Monson, D. D. Kelson,
C. Birk, D. Murphy, M. Servillat, and G. Anglada
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 769, 1, 56, 2013
The Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera & Spectrograph on Magellan-Baade
Alan Dressler, Bruce Bigelow, Tyson Hare, Brian Sutin, Ian Thompson,
Greg Burley, Harland Epps, Augustus Oemler Jr., Alan Bagish,
Christoph Birk, Ken Clardy, Steve Gunnels, Daniel Kelson,
Stephen Shectman, David Osip
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP),
Volume 123, Issue 910, pp.288-332, 03/2011
- The Carnegie Planet Finder Spectrograph:
integration and commissioning
Jeffrey D. Crane, Stephen A. Shectman, R. Paul Butler,
Ian B. Thompson, Christoph Birk, Patricio Jones and Gregory S. Burley
Proc. SPIE, 7735, pp.773553-773553-15, 2010
The Maryland Magellan Tunable Filter
S. Veilleux, B. J. Weiner, D. S. N. Rupke, M. A. McDonald,
C. Birk, J. Bland-Hawthorn, A. Dressler, T. Hare, D. Osip,
C. Pietraszewski, and S. N. Vogel
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 139, Issue 1, pp. 145-157, 2010
- The Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search Program
Alan P. Boss, Alycia J. Weinberger, Gulliem Anglada-Escude,
Ian B. Thompson, Gregory Burley, Christoph Birk,
Steven H. Pravdo, Stuart B. Shaklan,
George D. Gatewood, Steven R. Majewski, Richard J. Patterson
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP),
Volume 121, Issue 885, pp.1218-1231, 11/2009
- The FourStar Infrared Camera
S. E. Persson, Robert Barkhouser, Christoph Birk, Randy Hammond,
Albert Harding, E. R. Koch, J. L. Marshall, Patrick J. McCarthy,
David Murphy, Joe Orndorff, Gregg Scharfstein, Stephen A. Shectman,
Stephen Smee, Alan Uomoto
Proc. SPIE, 7014, 2008
- The MagE Spectrograph
J. L. Marshall, Scott Burles, Ian B. Thompson, Stephen A. Shectman,
Bruce C. Bigelow, Gregory Burley, Christoph Birk, Jorge Estrada,
Patricio Jones, Matthew Smith, Vince Kowal, Jerson Castillo,
Robert Storts, Greg Ortiz
Proc. SPIE, 7014, 2008
A Near-infrared Camera for the Magellan Telescopes
Paul Martini, S.E. Persson, D.C. Murphy, C. Birk, S.A. Shectman,
S.M. Gunnels and E.Koch
Proc. SPIE, 5492, p.1653-1660, 2004
- The Las Campanas Infrared Survey Camera
Persson, S. E.; Murphy, D. C.; Gunnels, S. M.; Birk, C.; Bagish, A.; Koch, E.
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 124, Issue 1, pp. 619-634, 2002
- Omega Prime:
the wide-field near-infrared camera for the 3.5m
telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory.
P. Bizenberger, M. J. McCaughrean, C. Birk, D. Thompson, & C. Storz.
Proc. SPIE, 3354, p.825-832, 1998
- A Tip-Tilt Tertiary System for the Calar Alto 3.5m Telescope
Glindemann, A.; McCaugrhean, M. J.; Hippler, S.; Birk, C.;
Wagner, K.; Rohloff, R-R
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP),
109, 668-696, 1997
- Thermal IR Imaging with Max:
Pushing the Limit of Single-Dish Ground-Based Observations
Robberto, M.; Herbst, T.M.; Beckwith, S.V.W.; Birk, C.; Bizenberger, P.
Science with the VLT Interferometer,Proceedings of the ESO workshop,
held at Garching, Germany, 18-21 June 1996, Publisher: Berlin,
New York: Springer-Verlag, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, ISBN: 3540632646,
1997, p.391
- CHARM - a tip-tilt tertiary system for the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope
Andreas Glindemann, Mark J. McCaughrean, Stefan Hippler, Karl Wagner
and Ralf-Rainer Rohloff
Adaptive Optics, Vol. 13, 1996, OSA Technical Digest Series
(Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1996), p. 275-277
- Vertical Disk Structure in HL Tauri
Beckwith, Steven V. W.; Birk, Christoph C.
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 449, L5, 1995
- Magic and Charm:
A novel approach to tip-tilt adaptive optics
McCaughrean, M. J.; Glindemann, A.; Birk, C.; Herbst,T. M.;
Rohloff, R.-R.; Beckwith, S. V. W.
Experimental Astronomy, 3, No. 1-4, 137, 1994
- Magic and Charm:
A Novel Approach to Tip-Tilt Adaptive Optics
McCaughrean, M. J.; Glindemann, A.; Birk, C.; Herbst, T. M.;
Rohloff, R. R.; Beckwith, S.
Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, The Next Generation,
edited by Ian S. McLean. ISBN 0-7923-2778-0;
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 190, p.297, 1994
A new near-infrared camera for Calar Alto
Herbst, Thomas M.; Beckwith, Steven V. W.; Birk, C.; Hippler, Stefan;
McCaughrean, Mark J.; Mannucci, F.; Wolf, Juergen.
Proc. SPIE, 1946, 605, Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation,
Albert M. Fowler; Ed, 1993
- A chopping secondary for the MPIA 3.5m-telescope at Calar Alto, Spain.
Diploma (M.S.) thesis, Christoph Birk, University of Heidelberg,1990
- A chopping secondary for the ESO 2.2m-telescope at La Silla, Chile
Sekundaespiegel-Chopper fuer.2-m-Teleskop II auf La Silla
Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, 68, 214, 1987
And (without credits):
- Omega Cass:
a new multimode NIR-imager/spectrometer for the Calar Alto Observatory
- Lenzen, Rainer; Bizenberger, Peter; Salm, Norbert; Storz, Clemens
- Proc. SPIE, 3354, p.493-499, 1998
- The Michigan/Magellan Fiber System
- Mario Mateo, John I. Bailey, Jeffrey Crane, Stephen Shectman,
Ian Thompson, Ian Roederer, Bruce Bigelow and Steve Gunnels
- Proc. SPIE 8446, 2012
- The Carnegie Planet Finder Spectrograph: a status report
- Crane, Jeffrey D.; Shectman, Stephen A.; Butler, R. Paul;
Thompson, Ian B.; Burley, Gregory S.
- Proc. SPIE, 7014, 2008
- Giant Magellan Telescope Site Evaluation and Characterization at Las Campanas Observatory
- Joanna E. Thomas-Osip , Gabriel Prieto , Matt Johns , Mark M. Phillips
- Proc. SPIE, 7012, 2008
- GMT Site Evaluation at Las Campanas Observatory
- J. E. Thomas-Osip
- RevMexAA, 31, pp.18-24, 2007
- IMACS, the multiobject spectrograph and imager for Magellan:
a status report
- Bruce C. Bigelow and Alan Dressler
- Proc. SPIE, 4841, 2003
- The Transitional Pre-Main-Sequence Object DI Tauri:
Evidence for a Substellar Companion and Rapid Disk Evolution
- Meyer, Michael R.; Beckwith, S. V. W.; Herbst, T. M.; Robberto, M.
- Astrophysical Journal Letters v.489, p.L173, 1997
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Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories, (last updated: