;redcode-94 ;name myVamp v3.7 ;author Paulsson ;strategy Throw jmp's around at 2/3c. ;strategy Then a spl/spl/dat and djn coreclear. ;strategy All in the tiny space of 14 bytes! ;strategy New constants ;contact mpn@ifm.liu.se ;NSFCWT Round 8 ;assert 1 step equ 13808 boot equ 13816 org start trap jmp 11 i for 10 dat.f 0, 0 rof spl #0,ptr i for 13 mov.i }ptr,>ptr rof jmp st+boot+trap-c,1 ptr dat.f c2,trap+boot+c2-c c2 spl.f #b1, b2+2 st add.f s, c mov.i c, @c jmz.a st, *c mov.i @0,*c mov.x *c,*c exit jmz.b st, c-boot b1 spl #b2-c2, b2-c2+2 mov.i *c2, >c2 djn.f -1, {c2-b2+c2-2 b3 dat.f <55440/3, <55440/7 b2 spl #b3-c2, b2-c2+2 c jmp *-boot, 0 s dat.f -step, step i for 13 dat.i #1,1 dat.f 1,#1 rof