;redcode-94 ;name Damage Inflicted ;author Robert Macrae ;assert CORESIZE == 55440 ;strategy DClear/Imp, Scanner ; One day I will learn to write a decent Silk. ; In the meantime, just hope that David has gone for ; something aggressive... ; sadly, there is little reason for him to do so. ; The idea was to have these aggressive components ; appearing occasionally from behind a robust silk/imp; ; the combination should have been quite tough to handle. ; However, the SI never materialised so I have to rely ; on David 1) Not playing a strong Silk/Imp, and ; 2) Not playing a scanner that can beat my 64proc, 2point ; imp. Most scanners can :-( ; How about a wimpy Silk + Stone/Imp + bomb-dodger, please? ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; Stalker for big core ; with overlapping scans, trail will always (?) be detected but ; here it is after 5800 cycles -- academic, I suspect. vStep equ (266) vGate equ (vPtr-3) vOffs equ (vClr+2-vStep*30-20) vPtr mov }vFlag ,>6000 ; } resets 5-line scan to 4-line mov vIncr ,>vPtr vNext add vIncr ,vScan ; standard 3-line .66c scan vScan sne vStep ,vStep+21 ; vFlag djn.f vNext ,<16616 ; djn-stream - back at last! vSet mov.ab vScan ,vPtr ; set pointer to begin carpet jmn {vFlag ,vPtr ; { turns 3-line scan into 4-line vIncr spl #vStep ,#vStep mov vClr ,>vGate ; dclear to finish djn.f -1 ,>vGate dat 0,0 ; Mod 7 pattern vClr dat >(55440/2)+1 ,2-vGate i for 13 dat 0,0 rof vBoot spl 1, vClr+1 i for 6 mov 4000 vBp spl 1, vOffs spl 1, >5000 spl 1, >6000 spl 1, >7000 spl 1, >8000 spl 2, >9000 jmp imp-200, }0 jmp imp-200+half, }0 imp mov.i #0, half+1 for 18 dat 0,0 rof ptr dat >0, 1000 for 3 dat 0,0 rof dc spl #0, }ptr spl #0, }ptr mov.i bomb, >ptr mov.i bomb, >ptr djn.f -1, >ptr bomb dat -500, bomb-ptr+2 end think