;redcode-94x ;name Carmilla ;author inversed ;strategy One-hit scanning vampire ;assert CORESIZE==55440 ; Defensive techniques employed: ; - Anti-trace: fangs point to the pit indirectly, making ; it less vulnerable to { or } bombing. ; - Spl instead of jmp to clear, leaving one process in the ; djn stream. If the clear is destroyed, there is still a ; chance of a draw. step equ 5958 time equ 3079 phaze equ step*time dtrace equ 2*step safe equ 16 djs equ -1 zclear equ (pit-cptr-2) cptr equ (bptr-5) gap1 equ 3 gap2 equ 9 gap3 equ 8 gap4 equ 149 org start bptr dat 0 , safe cs0 spl # djs , zclear clear mov @ ref , > cptr mov @ ref , > cptr ref djn clear , { cs0 for gap1 dat 0 , 0 rof loop add.x inc , ptr mov ptr , @ ptr jmz.f loop , * ptr mov ptr , * ptr mov.x ptr , * ptr jmz.f loop , pit spl cs0 , < cptr inc djn.f # step , <-step for gap2 dat 0 , 0 rof pit djn # 0 , # 0 for gap3 dat 0 , 0 rof ptr jmp @ phaze , pit+dtrace-phaze for gap4 dat 0 , 0 rof atrace jmp @ 0 , -dtrace start mov atrace, > setup mov atrace, @ setup setup jmp loop+1, < pit+dtrace