;redcode-tiny ;name Synergy ;author inversed ;strategy Jmp-bomber with SPL stripe ;strategy Defend while attacking, attack while defending ;assert CORESIZE==800 ; Jmp *hop acts similarly to the TNT mov hop, 1 bomb. Single-process warriors ; are killed, multi-process ones are crippled. Spl stripe in the main loop ; provides anti-paper defence. Beside the immediate stun effect, there is a ; chance that the processes trapped by the jmp bombs end up in the carpet. ; D-clear starts right in front of the spl stripe to maximize the stun time. ; Also note the hybrid qBombing / decoy-maker. hop equ 585 step equ 2*hop zofs equ (hit-step*time) time equ 79 stripe equ 599 x0 equ bomb safe equ 7 any equ 400 cptr equ ptr+1 qlen equ 9 qsb equ 521 qa equ 621 qb equ 535 org qbomb bomb jmp * hop , < 1 loop add # step , ptr mov bomb , @ ptr ptr mov bomb , * zofs mov cs0 , < x0+stripe hit djn loop , # time cs0 spl # 0 , 0 dc mov kill , > cptr djn.f dc , > cptr kill dat any , safe for 9-qlen dat 0 , 0 rof qbomb i for qlen mov { x0+i+qa, x0+i*qsb+qb rof djn.f loop+1 , { x0+qlen+2+qa