;redcode-94x ;name Borkked ;author Soren Bog ;strategy First scan and bomb the core, ;strategy then release an imp ring. ;assert CORESIZE == 800 ;imp constants IJUMP equ 267 IOFF1 equ IJUMP + 1 IOFF2 equ IJUMP * 2 - 1 ;bombing constants KDIST equ 5 SDIST equ 12 SJUMP equ 42 OFFBY1 equ SJUMP * (SJUMP / 40 + 1) + SDIST OFFBY2 equ SJUMP * (SJUMP / 40 + 1) HITS equ (CORESIZE - OFFBY1) / SJUMP scan ADD.f incr, comp comp CMP.i OFFBY1, OFFBY2 JMP drop DJN scan, #HITS SPL IMP3 ;split for the third imp SPL IOFF1 ;split and launch the second imp MOV 0, IJUMP ;launch the first imp IMP3 JMP IOFF2 ;launch the third imp drop MOV.i bomb, >comp DJN drop, #KDIST JMP scan bomb incr DAT #SJUMP, #SJUMP END comp