;redcode-94nop ;name Soul of the Damned ;author Simon Wainwright ;strategy stolen vamp/stone idea ;strategy added imps ;assert 1 step equ 1976 stone spl #-step, 1 dat 0, 0 pit spl #0, {count spl pit count jmn -1, #MAXPROCESSES dat 0, 0 impboot equ imp+7379 impstep equ 1143 start spl stone, <7200 mov imp, impboot spl 1, <7300 spl 1, <7400 spl 1, <7500 spl 1, <7600 spl impadd, <7700 impjmp jmp impboot, }-2000 imp mov.i #1, impstep impadd add.f #impstep, impjmp end start