;redcode-94 ;name Rand-Man ;author Randy Graham ;contact hp715!rgraham@peridot.spawar.navy.mil ;NSFCWT round 5 ;assert 1 ;strategy Fight in a random core size. Move weak stone away from decoy ;strategy and launch gate-crashing imp spiral. Use pspace to save time ;strategy on later boots (but protect against brainwashing). IMPOFF equ (imp+500) IMPSIZE equ #3 ;what step size we think we need PDATPTR equ #2 ;save # of points to verify step size STONESAVE equ #1 ;what stone step we want STONESTEP equ 36 ;what to start check at STONEMAX equ 50 ;what to stop at imp mov.i #3044, -1 imp2 mov.i #1143, 1 launch3 spl.a adder3, <-330 jmpto3 jmp.a IMPOFF+6, <-91 adder3 add.ba imp2, jmpto3 datptr dat.f 13, getptr dat.f 11, 0 dat.f 7, 0 dat.f 5, 0 getsize ldp.ab IMPSIZE, #0 ;these 2 lines double as data getptr ldp.ab PDATPTR, datptr ;statements mul.ab @datptr, getsize seq.ab #1, getsize counter jmp.a starter-1, 0 getstone ldp.a STONESAVE, setstone ldp.ab IMPSIZE, imp ;restore location jmp.a postsave, <-431 mov.ab #(getptr-datptr), datptr starter div.ab #2, imp add.ab #1, imp ;set imp.b to CORESIZE/2 moder mod.ba #-1, #2 jmz.a psave, moder ;make 2-point imp if odd core check mov.a R=m%p ; I can't do Coresize % Points, but I can do (Coresize-1)%points ; Then, add one to make up for the one we subtracted. Finally, mod ; that with points again to make sure we have the real mod. setup mod.ab @datptr, skipper add.ab #1, skipper skipper mod.ab @datptr, #0 ;after this, we have our mod ;The next part is a hybrid of Brant D. Thomsen's Imp-Spiral Finder in ; the May 4, 1994 issue of The 94 Warrior and Jay Han's routine in ; makeimp.c. This calculates the N value for Jay's ; ImpStep = (CoreSize * N + 1) / ImpSize ---> x=(m*n+1)/p ;The idea for only looping through ImpSize-1 times and checking is ; from Brant's program's data lines (get the program and see it) ;Now, to actually check if our attempted point size is an impstep, we ; use Jay's lines ; Counter = 0 ; if (Counter+R) % Points == Points - 1 --> if ((c=(c+r)%p) == p-1) ; until we have checked Points-1 times or we get the match mov.ab gotit, loop check2 mov.ab #0, gotit setN add.ab #1, counter add.b skipper, gotit mod.ab @datptr, gotit gotit sne.ab #0, #0 jmp.a sizer, <-100 loop djn.b setN, #loop jmn.b check, datptr ;in case this fails, at least stone ;Here was the hard part. Given the number of points we can theoretically ; run in this core size, and knowing Coresize/2, figure out the correct ; step size. In Jay's program, he used ; ImpStep = (CoreSize * N + 1) / ImpSize ---> x=(m*n+1)/p ; as noted above. We have the N now, but how to do the math in a ; modular world. Well, I finally decided to give up on getting it right, ; and just get close. Then I can find the exact amount. So, throw ; away the +1, combine the terms, and remember that you know CoreSize/2 ; Use the above ImpStep equation, modified for what you have ; ImpStep = (CoreSize / 2 / ImpSize * N) * 2 (approximately) ;By doing the division first, then multiplying, we don't have the ; wraparound effect of the Modular world mess us up. And, we get ; pretty close to the correct value. Also, since we are using integer ; division and we ignored the +1 above, we know we will be slightly ; BELOW the correct value. So, add one, multiply it by the number of ; points. If it is equals 1 (in a modular world), then it is correct. ; If not, loop back, add one more, multiply again, and go until you get ; a 1. Then, you have what you need, so move your imp out and launch ; it (using a jmp/add launch which let's you add in your step as you go) ;As for why this works, I don't exactly know. You have to ask Jay for ; details. I just converted his C code to Redcode. ;-) sizer div.ab @datptr, imp ;approximate the step size mul.ab #2, imp mul.b counter, imp exact mov.b imp, #0 mul.ab @datptr, -1 seq.ab #1, -2 jmp.a exact, >imp psave stp.b datptr, PDATPTR stp.b imp, IMPSIZE ;Ffrom Jay Han's corestep, find a number from mod-4 to mod-7. If no ;number is usable, then use 7 (per moonstone). C code was: ; uint modsize (uint s) ; { ; uint r, b=s, a=coresize; ; if (s == 0 || s == 1) return s; ; while (r=a%b) ; { ; a=b; ; b=r; ; } ; return b; ; } ; ;where uint is an unsigned integer, and s is the number to find the ; modsize for ;I used from 36 to 51 as my s. ;I only stopped on s == 0 (save 2 instructions, waste 5 cycles - but ; those two instructions would be executed every time otherwise). ;When I found a modsize between 4 and 7 (inclusive) I used it ;Man I like Jay's code. Helped a lot on this round ;I just hope I do OK. I am REALLLLLY slow launching because of finding ; my stone step size - especially in prime size cores setstone mov.a #STONESTEP, findstone mov.ab #-1, findstone mod.ab setstone, findstone add.ab #1, findstone findstone mod.ab #0, #-1 jmz.b keepstone, findstone mov.b findstone, a mov.ab findstone, findstone mov.ba a, findstone a jmp.a findstone, 0 ;man I wish I had used the following for findstone: ; findstone mod.ab #0, #-1 ; mov.x findstone, findstone ; jmn.a findstone, findstone ;then used .b instead of .a below keepstone slt.ab findstone, #8 ;want at most mod-7 jmp.a keepstone+4,0 slt.ab findstone, #4 ;keep it if mod4-mod7 jmp.a psave2, 0 slt.a #STONEMAX, setstone ;found nothing, work with what we jmp.a setstone, }setstone ;have mov.a #7, setstone ;use some small step psave2 stp.ab setstone, STONESAVE postsave add.b imp, imp2 mov.a @datptr, build ;build up processes add.a build, build mul.ab #2, enough build slt.ab #0, enough jmp.a -2, <-300 mov.i imp, IMPOFF spl.a l_stone, launch1 ;set up gate crashing imps threeway spl.a launch1, <-190 spl.a launch3, <-150 launch2 spl.a adder2, <-135 jmpto2 jmp.a IMPOFF+4,