;redcode-94 ;name Mister Bond ;NSFCWT Round 7 ;author Derek Ross ;contact rossd@arbroath.win-uk.net ;strategy quick boot out to random position ;strategy then stun/stun/kill coreclear ;strategy with half hearted attempt at a gate ;strategy if I won last time then boot to the ;strategy same position as last time ... ;strategy Written in '94 code. ;strategy ... even though I needn't have used Pspace. ;strategy ... if I keep this up I may even get to like it! ;strategy Submitted to NSFCWT Round 007: 1st December 1995 ;WARRIORS==1 || (WARRIORS == 2 && MINDISTANCE == CORESIZE/2) ;assert VERSION >= 80 pRESULT equ #0 pSEED equ #1 filler1 ;for 217 dat 3057+filler1, 124-filler1 ;rof start seed ldp pSEED, #seed add.b seed, clear mov {decoy, aim djn.f loop, {aim-200 fini filler2 ;for 197 dat 3057+filler2, 124-filler2 ;rof ;for 20 dat 1, 1 ;rof filler3 ;for 10 dat 3057+filler3, 124-filler3 ;rof ;for 10 dat 0, 0 ;rof ;for 20 dat 1, 1 ;rof end start