;redcode-94nop ;name Fooled Again ;strategy Second optimized version ;author Roy van Rijn ;assert 1 example dat -1, 0 ;This is the .a djn-stream from the Sibling ;Not produced by Big Brother ;Only by the Sibling sibling jmp -2, }-2 ;If we locate this line ;We know we have the exact sibling line gate dat cBomb, 3305 cAdd sub.ab #4687, cScan cScan seq.i example, 3520 jmp cAdd, <1379 ;quickly scan the core for the djnstream sub #1600, cScan ;If we find it, substract the distance seq @cScan, sibling ;Now we walk through the core backwards cIncr jmp -1, Join the Sibling in this coreclear mov *gate, >gate mov *gate, >gate djn.f -2, <7142 dat #13, >17 spl #13, >17 ;Very simple SSD clear cBomb spl #14, >17 ;Should work just fine killing the Brother for 82 dat 0, 1 ;Slow the paper down a bit rof end cScan