;redcode ;name DTMbB ; [Don't Touch My (big) Brother!] ;author Zul Nadzri ;strategy Stun the bully and save big brother ;strategy Tournament Round 17 ;strategy Plan #1 ;assert 1 ; ver 12 - rearrange code + cleanup ;------------------------------- Initial ------------------------------- ptr1 equ 200+5-100 ;first point of scan incr1 equ 67 adj equ 3 ;adjust seek to top transfer ;--------------------- Main Program: Begin at 'seek' -------------------- aaa dat 0,0 eye dat #adj, #adj tmp dat 0,0 incr dat #incr1, #-incr1 top add incr, seek ;incrementing... seek sne ptr1, -ptr1 ;compare cores flag jmp top, <-8 ;return and repeat cycle pick mov.i seek, tmp ;put a-location to operation table add eye, tmp ;adjust relative position sne aaa, *tmp ;compare with zero bfac mov.ba tmp, tmp ;put b-location to operation table afac jmn.f 0, }tmp ;scan for end of the line add.a #-2, tmp ;readjust to end of line grab sne.i little, *tmp ;check for Little jmp sika ;found LITTLE seq.i trace, *tmp ;check for Little's djn stream jmp color ;found LITTLE'S DJN STREAM (TRACER) trak sub.a #4, tmp ;find top of stream for calibration jmn.a trak, *tmp ;repeat until top is found sub.a #1599, tmp ;point vamp to little's location sika sub.a tmp, jumper ;set 'vamp' location to top of Little mov clear, }tmp ;send out vamp mov clear, }tmp ;send out vamp mov jumper, }tmp ;send our vamp mov stun1, afac+1 ;(erase if not needed) spl buddy7, }aaa-1 jumper7 jmp buddyb7, #4000 ;dclear pointer dat 0 jumper jmp tap-tmp-4, #2000 ;the Vamp and its jump location color add.a #-7, tmp ;adjust to top of the line add.ab #7, 2 ;request for 7 core stun mov stun1, }tmp ;stun Color djn -1, #0 ;stun Color mov stun2, }tmp ;add jmp to Color's end of line jmp top, }aaa-2 ;continue scanning [todo: consider adding spl] dat 0,0 ;-------------------------- buddy's code 1 : backward scan, backward clear ---- nop 0,0 clear nop 0,0 tap spl buddyb bud1 add #8, 1 buddy jmz.f -1, zzz+1 ;start avoiding 2nd group mov stun1, buddy, >buddy jmn.f -2, >buddy jmn.f bud1, bfac ;end before self-hit mov clear7, bud7 stun1 spl #0, #0 mov cpt, >jumper djn.f -1,>jumper cpt dat <1471,bully-jumper ;-------------------------- Master code 1 : backward scan, backward clear ----- clear7 jmp 7, 7 tap7 spl buddyb7, }aaa-3 bud7 add #8, 1 buddy7 jmz.f -1, zzz+1+4000-50+3 ;start from center mov stun7, buddy7, >buddy7 jmn.f -2, >buddy7 jmn.f bud7, bfac ;end before self-hit mov clear7, bud1b stun7 spl #0, #0 mov cpt7, >jumper7 djn.f -1,>jumper7 cpt7 dat <1471,bully-jumper7 ;-------------------------- buddy's code 2 : forward scan, forward clear---- bud1b add #-8, 1 buddyb jmz.f -1, aaa-1 ;starts avoiding first group mov stun1, buddyb, >buddyb jmn.f -2, >buddyb jmn.f bud1b, zzz ;and ends before self-hit mov clear7, bud1b7 spl stun1 save2 jmp 0 ;go to silence during dclear stun2 jmp -1, 0 ;-------------------------- Master code 2 : forward scan, forward clear ----- bud1b7 add #-8, 1 buddyb7 jmz.f -1, aaa-1-4000+50-2 ;starts avoiding first group mov stun1, buddyb7, >buddyb7 jmn.f -2, >buddyb7 jmn.f bud1b7, zzz ;and ends before self-hit mov clear7, bud1 spl stun7, }aaa-4 save2b jmp 0 ;go to silence during dclear for 5 dat 0 rof ;-------------------------- signitures of target warriors ------------------ bully djn.b $-2, <2335 little jmp.b $2, }-2 trace dat.f $-1, $0 ;------------------------------ end game switch ---------------------------- dat 1,1 dat 1,1 dat 1,1 dat 1,1 trail dat 1,1 zzz dat 1,1 ;-------------------------- end of program --------------------------------- ;end buddy end seek ;end tap ;end tap7