;redcode ;name BackFire 1.3c ;author Eric J. Schwertfeger ;strategy B-Field scanner that ;strategy bombs location and @location ;strategy v1.1 tried larger jump, putzed out ;strategy v1.2 Seems like I fixed more bugs ;strategy than I have instructions!!! ;strategy v1.2b Test File, trying different bomb ;strategy v1.3 added a decoy ;strategy v1.3a moved farther from decoy (was 200, now 3000) ;strategy v1.3bc changed increment (was 13, then 39, then 411) ;strategy If this doesn't make the hill, I give up ;strategy (on BackFire, that is). ;stragety Submitted: @date@ ;assert 1 BACK EQU 3000 WHERE EQU (LOOP-3) BOMB EQU (WHERE+2) START MOV