;redcode-94 ;name Thermite II ;author Robert Macrae ;assert CORESIZE == 8000 ;strategy Same old strategy, but nastier... ; Therm 3.7 had everything I wanted for scan and bomber (Brand 3.3). ; Now check for any surplus cells, clean up logic, shuffle scan ; -- the tedious stuff. ; ***** REMEMBER ***** not to publish scan in this order! ; Therm 4.1 tries launching bomber, against oneshots! org start qstep equ 6 ; gap between bombs qrounds equ 8 ; number of bombing runs qgap equ (qrounds * qstep) ; Space covered by each bomb-type qspread equ (qgap*3) ; Total coverage bigst equ 113 qstart equ start+1000 qst equ qstart -(4*bigst) ; ------------------------------------------------------ qspb spl -1, #qgap+1 ; 3 bombs for QS qmvb mov -qgap, >-qgap qjmb jmp -qgap, -2*qgap+qstep qincr dat #qstep, #qstep ; step for QS which add.b found, found2 ; (From Pyramid) sne.i @found, @found2 ; Is it in first two? add.ab #2*bigst, found sne.i qspb-1, @found ; Is it first or third? add.ab #bigst,found mov qjmb, @found found seq qspb-1, *0 ; look qgap back from hit sub.ab #qgap/2, found ; and sub qgap/2 if found. qplace add.b found, #-qgap/2+qstep+found mov.i qspb, @qplace ; Preposition first SPL add.ba found, qstone add.b found, qstone ; Initialise Tornado pointers qst1 mov qjmb, *qstone ; Tornado bombing engine mov qmvb, @qstone ; "to fill enemy with hot qstone mov @3*qgap/2+found, *qgap/2+found sub.f qincr, qstone ; Adapted to SPL/MOV/JMP djn.b qst1, #qrounds ; and to cover wider range. launch mov cp, cp+4000 lloop mov {launch, gate-1 cp djn.f clr, {gate-1 ; 3 DATs sm mov -step2, >-step2 ; mov half of the incendiary FOR 11 dat 0, 0 ROF start s1 for 5 sne.x qst+4*bigst*s1, qst+4*bigst*s1+bigst*1 seq.x qst+4*bigst*s1+bigst*2, qst+4*bigst*s1+bigst*3 mov.ab #qst+4*bigst*s1-found, found rof jmn which, found s2 for 5 sne.x qst+4*bigst*(s2+5), qst+4*bigst*(s2+5)+bigst*1 seq.x qst+4*bigst*(s2+5)+bigst*2, qst+4*bigst*(s2+5)+bigst*3 mov.ab #qst+4*bigst*(s2+5)-found, found rof jmn which, found s3 for 5 sne.x qst+4*bigst*(s3+10), qst+4*bigst*(s3+10)+bigst*1 seq.x qst+4*bigst*(s3+10)+bigst*2, qst+4*bigst*(s3+10)+bigst*3 mov.ab #qst+4*bigst*(s3+10)-found, found rof jmn.b which, found jmp launch, {-500 end