;redcode-94 ;name Non Plussed ;author Randy Graham ;assert 1 ;strategy A moderate stone with self-destruct forward dat and ;strategy addition core-clear and djn stream twice through core. ;strategy Added paper since imp-ring gets blasted by forward clear. STONE equ (begin+1472) ;where to move the stone SSTEP equ 28 ;step size for stone PAPEROFF equ 1495 ;paper step size - still needs tweaking begin mov.i stopp, }STONE-SSTEP+1 ;extra guys into the stone stopp dat.f >paper, STONE keepup spl.a #0, <-SSTEP-1 sbegin spl.a #SSTEP, <-SSTEP stoner mov.i <-1-SSTEP, >1+SSTEP sub.f sbegin, -1 djn.f stoner, <-381 mover mov.i 3, >1 paper spl.a @0, PAPEROFF movpapr mov.i }paper, >paper getimp mov.i nonimp, >-550 novamp mov.i static, }400 again spl.a paper, {paper incr dat.f >getimp+(3*PAPEROFF),>novamp+(2*PAPEROFF) ;increment correct childrens imp bombs and vamp bombs nonimp dat.f <2667, <5334 static dat.f >1, >1 ;add blank lines to make me look long in a combat report for MAXLENGTH-CURLINE dat.f 0, 0 rof