;redcode-94 ;assert CORESIZE==8000 ;name Forgotten Scanner ;author David Moore ;strategy make decoy, then one-shot scanner -> clear ;This is the scanner from Forgotten Lore, ;but without the convoluted bootstrap. gate dat 0, 0 jumper jmp 4009, 18 dat 0, 0 dat 0, 0 jmp -400, <2667 clear spl #4600, 18 mov @switch, >gate mov jumper, }gate switch djn clear, {clear ;this becomes djn -2 after scan phase dat 0, 0 dat 0, 0 dat 0, 0 dat 0, 0 sub.x step, scan scan sne 4009 + 80, 18 + 80 jmz.f -2, place+2, #0 ;this decoy will stop the scanning mov.i >place+3, #0 ;before it goes too far mov.i >place+4, #0 mov.i }place+5, #0 mov.i }place+6, #0 mov.i