;redcode ;name Quicksilver '88 ;author Michal Janeczek ;strategy qscan -> stone/imp ;assert CORESIZE == 8000 ; I'm sure that Paul wasn't the only one that ; noticed my test on KOTH. However, there was ; a reason for such reckless move;) - I was getting ; some really weird results, and I wasn't sure if ; it was the warrior or just my testing script. ; It turned out that qscan steps interacted with ; boot distances. Next time I'll think twice:) ; Too late to change my main entry, but hmm... ; it doesn't look so bad after all. sdist equ 4857 dboff equ 11 idist equ 7706 ioff equ 5817 boot mov imp+1 , sdist+dboff iboot spl 2 , boot+idist+3 spl 1 , boot+ioff+3 mov imp , <-1 mov