;redcode ;name Snake7 ;author Wayne Sheppard ;strategy Pitbomber-impspiral with Anti Trace ;assert 1 ;Paul has been playing some mind games. I'm not sure what ;he is going to use. So I will put my best warrior in the ;battle. Changed a few constants and relocated the trap ;statement so he can't live off of the previous version. ;Also went to a 7-point Spiral in case he was looking for ;a three point. dist equ 121 ;Bomb spread imp equ (icopy-1000) ;Imp start hide equ (0-1500) ;Vamp location trap jmp pit-x-121+2,x+121-300 ;Trap moved far away from code x spl 0,trap+300 mov @0,@trap+300 sub 4,@-1 jmp -2 pit mov @dist,<0-dist spl 0 ;This should change more losses into ties spl -1 ;than wins into ties dat