;redcode verbose ;name Gambit ;author J.Cisek ;strategy creation date 6/11/92 ;strategy 6/15/92 much smaller (10 instead of 17) ;strategy 6/17/92 a little bigger (size 12), faster bomber ;strategy Cmp scan the core for a target. Place small bomber at target and ;strategy jump there gambling everything... ;strategy This works well against pattern bombers. The warrior's small ;strategy size (and a couple of neat tricks) make it a decent opponent ;strategy against other scanners (that don't mutagenize B-fields :) ;strategy It does dismally against multiplying warriors (Enjoy, Note Paper) ;assert 1 STEP equ 6477 ;step optimized for size 10 enemy DIST equ 60 ;good vs. mod 3,4,5 bombers START equ search ;where to end the search LENGTH equ inc-search+2+DIST ;don't bomb self search add inc, target ;scan for target target cmp START, START+DIST funky slt #LENGTH, target ;don't hit self jmp search hit mov killer+2, @target mov killer+1,