This hill is named after the location of the place where I worked (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy) until 1997 ('Koenigstuhl' translates to 'King's Chair'). Similar to Planar's Mt.Olympus (last update: 1998-08-31) this is an infinite hill. The difference is that I separated the hill into several categories and I let every program fight every other program:
Recursive 88-Koenigstuhl -- Battle Royale 88-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive 88-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
2: Talisman , John Metcalf, (Jan/22)
7: Murmur , John Metcalf, (Feb/13)
9: Permafrost , John Metcalf, (Jan/16)
10: Zygote (hill version) , Roy van Rijn, (Feb/09)
19: Prometheus (decoy) , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
23: Black Widow , S.Fernandez, (Feb/13)
30: Replicant , S.Fernandez, (Feb/13)
43: Replicant-- , S.Fernandez, (Feb/13)
71: Dragonfly '88 , S.Fernandez, (Jan/29)
118: Bewitching '88 , S.Fernandez, (Jan/29)
Any program that reaches rank-50 or higher on the '88-Koenigstuhl will also enter the TOP-50 Koenigstuhl. Programs that fall below rank-50 on both ('88 and TOP-50) hills will be removed from the TOP-50 Koenigstuhl.
TOP-50 of the '88-Koenigstuhl (88top50.tar.gz)
Recent entries: (rank on TOP-50 hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
1: Prometheus (decoy) , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
2: Black Widow , S.Fernandez, (Feb/16)
9: Talisman , John Metcalf, (Jan/22)
18: Zygote (hill version) , Roy van Rijn, (Feb/09)
21: Murmur , John Metcalf, (Feb/16)
30: Replicant , S.Fernandez, (Feb/16)
31: Permafrost , John Metcalf, (Jan/16)
50: Replicant-- , S.Fernandez, (Feb/16)
Recent leaves: (program, author, date)
The Seed, Roy van Rijn (Feb/16)
Positive Knife '88, Ken Espiritu (Feb/16)
The Hurricaner, G.Labarga (Feb/16)
88GerTop, G.Labarga (Feb/16)
PacMan v3, David Moore (Jan/22)
Speeed 88mph, Christian Schmidt (Jan/22)
CAPS KEY IS STUCK AGAIN, Steven Morrell (Jan/16)
Agony 4.1, Stefan Strack (Sep/09)
Recursive 94nop-Koenigstuhl -- Battle Royale 94nop-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive 94nop hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
1: Azathoth , John Metcalf, (Oct/24)
19: Shadow Weaver , S.Fernandez, (Jan/29)
26: Nightstalker , John Metcalf, (Nov/21)
69: Mercenary , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
131: Heist , lain, (Mar/05)
205: Electra , S.Fernandez, (Jan/29)
224: nesca34 , lain, (Feb/09)
303: Hyperscan , Roy van Rijn, (Feb/13)
510: Hyperscan v1 , Roy van Rijn, (Feb/13)
797: MotherShip , ZeFlox, (Jan/22)
Any program that reaches rank-50 or higher on the 94nop Koenigstuhl will also enter the TOP-50 Koenigstuhl. Programs that fall below rank-50 on both (94nop and TOP-50) hills will be removed from the TOP-50 Koenigstuhl.
TOP-50 of the 94nop-Koenigstuhl (94top50.tar.gz)
Recent entries: (rank on TOP-50 hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
2: Azathoth , John Metcalf, (Oct/24)
35: Nightstalker , John Metcalf, (Nov/21)
60: Shadow Weaver , S.Fernandez, (Jan/29)
Recent leaves: (program, author, date)
Quicksilver, Michal Janeczek (Jan/29)
Pixie, Lukasz Grabun (Nov/21)
The Humanizer, bvowk/fiz (Oct/24)
HazyLazy A 70, Steve Gunnell (Oct/24)
Recursive Pspace-Koenigstuhl -- Battle Royale Pspace-Koenigstuhl
Note: "-P" (randomizing all possible starting positions) will not make the battles reproducible, because the order of the fights makes a difference with P-space.
Recent entries: (rank on recursive Pspace-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Any program that reaches rank-50 or higher on the "full" hill will also enter the TOP-50 hill. Programs that fall below rank-50 on both hills will be removed from the TOP-50 Koenigstuhl.
TOP-50 of the Pspace-Koenigstuhl (psptop50.tar.gz)
Recursive ICWS/64-Koenigstuhl
-- Battle Royale ICWS/64-Koenigstuhl
Recursive ICWS-Koenigstuhl
-- Battle Royale ICWS-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive ICWS-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Recursive LP-Koenigstuhl
-- Battle Royale LP-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive LP-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Recursive X-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive X-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Recursive Tiny-Koenigstuhl
-- Battle Royale Tiny-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive Tiny-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Recursive Nano-Koenigstuhl
-- Battle Royale Nano-Koenigstuhl
Recent entries: (rank on recursive Nano-Hill, program, author, date-of-entry)
Hill for all programs that do not fit any other hill
(eg. special tournament rounds or non-competitive programs).
Flat (un-weighted) scores of the Odd-hill.
Corewar Global Masters 1
(70 entries)
(Feb 2022)
If you cannot find your program(s) here, please send your program to
birk AT carnegiescience DOT edu
with a subject line like 'Koenigstuhl entry'.
Please note that the Koenigstuhl is an "archive" hill, ie.
published programs only.
If you would like to see how your program would
do on the Koenigstuhl before you publish it, please download the
appropriate hill and run your program against it.
11: Prometheus (decoy) T , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
6: Azathoth , John Metcalf, (Oct/24)
1: dfd94f0-408f53a4-b1f60e08.rc , bvowk, (Sep/06)
143: Infernal Machine , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
356: Curiosity , John Metcalf, (Sep/06)
1: [RS] Nextratulated Sturvinator 2 , inversed, (Sep/20)
2: Combat Arithmetic , inversed, (Sep/20)
3: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
6: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
9: Nonlocality 2 , inversed, (Sep/20)
10: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
15: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
21: ewolf_012 , redomorph, (Jan/12)
26: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
34: Nabla , inversed, (Sep/20)
50: Bifurcation , inversed, (Sep/20)
56: Diffraction Limit S5 , inversed, (Sep/20)
71: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
75: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
79: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
86: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
103: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
112: Diffraction Limit S42 , inversed, (Sep/20)
124: , yabevolver, (Apr/08)
back to Christoph's CoreWar page
Christoph C. Birk
(last updated: