;redcode-94 quiet ;name Taking Names ;author P.Kline ;strategy sne.x/seq.x scanner using spl-spl-jmp bomb ;strategy and continuous forward-clear ;strategy added decoy ;assert 1 step equ 98 boot equ 4700 reset equ (attack-20) clrptr equ (reset-2) cpins dat jump-clrptr+2 rsins dat #step-2,#step attack mov jump,*comp ; drop wide bomb on a-pointer compptr mov split,{comp mov split,{comp ; after bombing, reset to sub reset,@compptr ; make b-pointer the next a-pointer scan add split,@compptr comp sne 2*step,3*step ; take a look add split,@compptr seq *comp,@comp ; take another look slt #100+step,@compptr ; don't attack self ctr djn scan,#2500 ; countdown to finish jmn attack,-1 split spl.i #(2*step),#(2*step) clear mov reset,>clrptr ; continuous forward clear jump jmp -1 start mov