;redcode-94nop ;name Return of the Pendragon ;author Christian Schmidt ;strategy mini Q^4 -> stone/imp ;strategy ultra fast design ;strategy combined with heavy imps ;strategy constants are not yet optimized ;assert 1 sDist equ 6000 iDist equ 2000 istep equ 2667 dat 0, }qC qTab2 dat 0, }qD dat 0, }qE cSp spl #0, <-1151+3 mov 197, cAd-(197*3500) cAd add.ab {0, }0 djn.f -2, <-1151 sEnd dat 0, 0 iStart spl #0, <-250 add.f imp, launch launch spl imp-istep-1, <-250 djn sDist-iDist-3, <-400 iEnd dat 0, 0 imp mov.i #istep, *0 pGo mov cBomb, cSp+sDist+198+5 mov imp, imp+iDist spl 1 spl 1 mov {sEnd, {sBoo mov {iEnd, {iBoo sBoo spl iEnd+sDist iBoo jmp iEnd+iDist for 22 dat 0,0 rof cBomb dat >-1, >1 dat 0, }qA qTab1 dat 0, }qB for 27 dat 0, 0 rof qX equ 3080 qA equ 3532 qB equ 2051 qC equ 6177 qD equ 4696 qE equ 3215 qF equ 583 qStep equ 7 qTime equ 16 qOff equ 87 qBomb dat {qOff , qF qGo sne qPtr+qX*qE , qPtr+qX*qE+qE seq